openmamba testcd 20120829 (devel) new snapshot is available - 08/29/2012

The openmamba automatic build system announces the availability of the 20120829 snapshot release of the openmamba testcd distribution.


openmamba testcd is a test release of the openmamba operating system distributed in ISO format so that you can make a CD or DVD with it, then the system can be used simply by booting (or rebooting) your computer after inserting the medium in the CD/DVD reader.
It also provides an installation interface for system installation on fixed disk that lets you use openmamba while maintaining the operating system pre-installed in your computer (e.g. Windows).
It can also be installed into an external USB storage device (e.g. a pendrive) by using the system tool openmamba USB installation.
It works on almost any Personal Computer: notebook, desktop and server.

Who it's for

openmamba testcd is a medium for who wants to test the latest major release updates of the main system component live kernel, KDE and
It is suitable mostly for beta-testing as there is a high risk that the medium might not work correcly.


A Intel x86 compatible Personal Computer (PC) with the following minimum features:

Additional requirements for system installation:



LanguageArchDownload linkSizeDateMD5
italiani586openmamba-testcd-it-snapshot-20120829.i586.iso 817 MB2012-08-29ca24792b6481aca09faa698dd755351a
englishi586openmamba-testcd-en-snapshot-20120829.i586.iso 806 MB2012-08-290e8c606adb77fc8b1d688c61024cc174
spanishi586openmamba-testcd-es-snapshot-20120829.i586.iso 830 MB2012-08-29bfb3dbb3e056d38083870b57932fb747

Operating system information

Kernel, boot and drivers

Linux kernel (i586)3.2.27kernel-mamba kernel-mamba-sound kernel-mamba-wireless
bootloader (grub)1.99grub
boot system (dracut)015dracut
NVIDIA proprietary driver302.17kernel-mamba-nongpl-nvidia libGL-nvidia-X11 xorg-drv-video-nvidia xorg-ext-libglx-nvidia
AMD/ATI proprietary driver8.980.12.6kernel-mamba-nongpl-fglrx libGL-fglrx-X11 xorg-drv-video-fglrx

GNU Toolchain

gcc4.7.1gcc-cpp libgcc libgfortran libgomp libquadmath libssp libstdc++6
glibc2.15glibc ldconfig timezone
binutils2.22binutils libbinutils

Packages and updates management

RPM5.2.1python-rpm rpm
Smart Package Manager1.4.1smart smart-gui
PackageKit0.6.22PackageKit PackageKit-glib PackageKit-qt2

Graphical and Desktop environment

X.org1.10.4xorg-ext-libglx xorg-server
Mesa8.0.4libEGL libgbm libGL-Mesa-dri libglapi libGLESv1 libGLESv2 libGLU libOpenVG libvdpau-Mesa
KDE4.8.4kde-workspace kinfocenter python-plasma-scriptengine ruby-plasma-scriptengine

Graphics packages

okular4.8.4libokular okular
okular4.8.4libokular okular

Internet/Networking packages

NetworkManager0.9.6.0libnm NetworkManager
KDE network management applet0.9.0libknetworkmanager plasma-applet-networkmanagement plasma-applet-networkmanagement-pptp plasma-applet-networkmanagement-vpnc
KDE Firewall interface0.4.0kcm_ufw

Multimedia packages

kdemultimedia4.8.4juk kmix libkdemultimedia
kdemultimedia4.8.4juk kmix libkdemultimedia

Office/Publishing packages

kdepim44.8.4akregator blogilo kaddressbook kdepim4-core kdepim4-wizards kjots4 kleopatra kmail knode knotes kontact korganizer ktimetracker libakregator libkaddressbook libkleopatra libkmail libknode libkontact4 libkorganizer4
kdepim44.8.4akregator blogilo kaddressbook kdepim4-core kdepim4-wizards kjots4 kleopatra kmail knode knotes kontact korganizer ktimetracker libakregator libkaddressbook libkleopatra libkmail libknode libkontact4 libkorganizer4
kdepim-runtime4.8.4kdepim-runtime kdepim-runtime-devel
kdepim-runtime4.8.4kdepim-runtime kdepim-runtime-devel

Emulation/Virtualization packages


Recovery and diagnostic tools

Partition editor0.13.1gparted
Data recovery6.13testdisk
MBR boot loader1.1.11mbr


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