[openmamba-users-it] problema lista pacchetti personali
Silvan Calarco
silvan.calarco a mambasoft.it
Lun 29 Ott 2007 02:38:44 CET
C'era un errore in distromatic dopo l'ultima modifica che ho fatto per
supportare il download manager sul sito. Presto sul sito troverai file
saranno aggiornati (comunque basta che rimuovi le occorrenze
di /download.html?file= nei file).
Alle domenica 28 ottobre 2007, riccardo moja ha scritto:
> Ho scaricato file per avere i devel dei vari packager, (salvando il
> file apt in /etc/apt/sources.list.d), ma poi quando aggiorno la lista
> dei pacchetti mi dice questo (che non so che significhi):
> Could not download all repository indexes
> The repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted
> because of network problems. If available an older version of the
> failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored.
> Check your network connection and the correct writing of the
> repository address in the preferences.
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-aleph0/ba
>se/pkglist.i586: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-aleph0/ba
>se/srclist.base: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-silvan/ba
>se/pkglist.i586: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-silvan/ba
>se/srclist.base: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-stefano/b
>ase/pkglist.i586: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-stefano/b
>ase/srclist.base: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)
> e poi:
> W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-aleph0/ba
>se/pkglist.i586 W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-aleph0/ba
>se/release.i586 W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-aleph0/ba
>se/srclist.base W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-silvan/ba
>se/pkglist.i586 W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-silvan/ba
>se/release.i586 W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-silvan/ba
>se/srclist.base W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-stefano/b
>ase/pkglist.i586 W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-stefano/b
>ase/release.i586 W: Release file did not contain checksum information for
> http://www.openmamba.org//download.html?file=/pub/openmamba/devel-stefano/b
> PS: non so se è arrivata la mia mail su compiz, a me ancora dice
> Warning: direct rendering is disabled; not loading compiz.
> l'ho scritto in un'altra email.
> PPS: riguardo opendns. 1) ho un router, io devo cambiare il dns nel
> router (ma non me lo fa fare), o resolv.conf? 2)mi pare che
> reslov.conf viene modificato da postplug automaticamente, o sbaglio?
> nel caso di si, come faccio a non farglielo modificare per lasciarci
> gli ip di opendns?
mambaSoft di Silvan Calarco - http://www.mambasoft.it
openmamba GNU/Linux development - http://www.openmamba.org
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